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Ajuda com admin.dat

2 participantes

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Ajuda com admin.dat Empty Ajuda com admin.dat

Mensagem por NicKo! 20/11/2011, 4:06 pm

como eu modifico o admin.dat (peguei esse admin.dat do tuto do isra de cria um serve)
criei um serve, mais o admin.dat tem uns erros como o lvl 1 ja tem pause, lvl 2 tem showban

entao como tiro e coloco comandos?

Número de Mensagens : 169
Idade : 27
Local : Es - Pinheiros
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2011

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Ajuda com admin.dat Empty Re: Ajuda com admin.dat

Mensagem por Swart.. 20/11/2011, 4:26 pm

É só você abrir o admin.dat em um editor de texto e alterar as flags de determinado lvl.

1   cannot be vote kicked, vote muted
2   cannot be censored or flood protected TODO
3   never loses credits for changing teams
4   can see team chat as a spectator
5   can switch teams any time, regardless of balance
6   does not need to specify a reason for a kick/ban
7   can call a vote at any time (regardless of a vote being disabled or voting limitations)
8   does not need to specify a duration for a ban
9   can run commands from team chat
0   inactivity rules do not apply to them
!   admin commands cannot be used on them
@   does not show up as an admin in !listplayers
$   sees all information in !listplayers
#   permanent designated builder
&   uses admin stealth
?   sees and can use adminchat
B   !showbans display a (partial) list of active bans
C   !time show the current local server time
D   !listadmins display a list of all server admins and their levels
E   !subnetban adjust or change a subnet mask on a ban
G   !readconfig reloads the admin config file and refreshes permission flags
H   !info read the servers information files
K   !lock lock a team to prevent anyone from joining it
K   !unlock unlock a locked team
L   !devmap load a map with cheats (and optionally force layout)
L   !layoutsave save a map layout
L   !listlayouts display a list of all available layouts for a map
M   !map load a map (and optionally force layout)
N   !rename rename a player
P   !spec999 move 999 pingers to the spectator team
R   !register Registers your name to protect it from being used by others or updates your admin name to your

current name.
S   !pause Pause (or unpause) the game.
U   !buildlog display a list of recent builds and deconstructs
V   !passvote pass a vote currently taking place
W   admin is exempt from bans against them (intended to exempt someone from a subnet ban)
a   !admintest display your current admin level
b   !ban ban a player by IP and GUID with an optional expiration time and reason.
b   !adjustban change the length or reason of a ban. time is specified as numbers followed by units w (weeks) d

(days) h (hours) or m (minutes) or seconds if no units are specified
b   !unban unbans a player specified by the slot as seen in showbans
c   !cancelvote cancel a vote taking place
d   !allowbuild restore a players ability to build
d   !denybuild take away a players ability to build
e   !namelog display a list of names used by recently connected players
g   !designate give the player designated builder privileges
g   !undesignate revoke designated builder privileges
h   !help display commands available to you or help on a specific command
h   !specme moves you to the spectators
i   !listplayers display a list of players their client numbers and their levels
j   !listmaps Lists the maps on the server that are available for map votes
j   !rotation Lists the current map rotation and the current position in it
k   !kick kick a player with an optional reason
l   !L0 Sets a level 1 to level 0
l   !L1 Sets a level 0 to level 1
m   !unmute unmute a muted player
m   !mute mute a player
n   !nextmap go to the next map in the cycle
o   !maplog List the last several maps and their outcomes
p   !putteam move a player to a specified team
r   !restart restart the current map (optionally using named layout or keeping/switching teams)
s   !setlevel sets the admin level of a player
v   !revert revert one or more buildlog events
y   !allready makes everyone ready in intermission
w   !warn Warn a player to cease or face admin intervention
Z   !cp display a CP message to users, optionally specifying team(s) to send to

Cada level vai ter uma sequência de caracteres que representa quais comandos ele pode usar. Você pode editar como quiser.
Campeões TremBol
Campeões TremBol

Número de Mensagens : 1786
Idade : 32
Local : ^.¸.^
Humor : UU
Data de inscrição : 16/04/2007

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Ajuda com admin.dat Empty Re: Ajuda com admin.dat

Mensagem por NicKo! 20/11/2011, 4:30 pm

vlw Swart, ajudo muito ^^

Número de Mensagens : 169
Idade : 27
Local : Es - Pinheiros
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2011

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Ajuda com admin.dat Empty Re: Ajuda com admin.dat

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